The Office of Investigations (OI) is responsible for conducting investigations on allegations of crime, cyber-crime, fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct having impact on NASA programs, projects, operations, and resources. OI refers its findings either to the Department of Justice for prosecution or to NASA management for action. Through its investigations, OI identifies crime indicators and recommends effective measures for NASA management that are designed to reduce NASA’s vulnerability to criminal activity. The Office of Investigations is comprised of Headquarters and four geographic Field Offices including a Computer Crimes Division. See our Field Offices and Divisions page for investigative and geographical areas of responsibility.
Michael S. Graham
(Acting) Assistant Inspector General for Investigations
NASA Headquarters, Office of Investigations (OI)
Voice: 202-358-1500
Fax: 202-358-3914
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations
NASA Headquarters, Office of Investigations (OI)
Voice: 202-358-1500
Fax: 202-358-3914
Special Agent in Charge, Headquarters Operations
NASA Headquarters, Office of Investigations (OI)
Voice: 202-358-1500
Fax: 202-358-3914
The Office of Audits (OA) conducts independent, objective audits, reviews, and other examinations of NASA and NASA contractor programs and projects to improve NASA operations. OA provides a broad range of professional audit and advisory services, performs focused reviews of specific management issues, comments on NASA policies, and is responsible for oversight of NASA audits performed under contract or by other Federal agencies. OA helps NASA accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NASA operations and by deterring fraud, crime, waste, and abuse.
Kimberly F. Benoit
Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001
Voice: 202-358-0378
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Voice: 202-358-3725
Director, Audit Operations and Quality Assurance
Voice: 202-358-1543
Director, Financial Management
Voice: 202-358-0629
Director, Mission Support
Voice: 202-358-2583
Director, Science and Aeronautics Research
Voice: 202-358-7227
Director, Space Operations
Voice: 202-358-2103
The mission of the OIG Office of Management (OM) is to provide financial, procurement, human resources, administrative, special projects, and information technology services support to the OIG staff. The OM performs its work in accordance with Government and NASA laws, regulations, and procedures.
OM develops, executes, and controls the OIG budget and procures supplies and services through NASA contracting officer purchase requests and the purchase card program. The human resources division provides personnel services to include recruitment, performance management, qualifications and classification, and employee relations functions. OM information technology services (ITS) ensures state-of-the-art IT systems capabilities for the OIG including development and maintenance of management information systems and information security. A broad range of administrative functions are also accomplished including strategic planning; preparation of the semiannual report to Congress; managing the OIG travel program and physical space; procuring office supplies and equipment; planning conferences; adhering to policies and procedures; and accomplishing other special projects as requested.
Robert H. Steinau
(Acting) Assistant Inspector General for Management
Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001
Voice: 202-358-0021
Fax: 202-358-2883
Director of Resources Operations
Voice: 202-358-2589
Director, Human Resources
Voice: 202-358-2459
Director, Information Technology Services
Voice: 202-358-0633
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) legal staff provides advice and assistance on a variety of legal issues and matters relating to the OIG’s review of Agency programs and operations. The Counsel to the Inspector General acts as the central official for the review and coordination of all legislation, regulations, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and legal matters requiring OIG attention.
The OIG legal staff provides advice and assistance to senior OIG management, staff auditors, inspectors, and investigators, and serves as counsel in administrative litigation in which the OIG is a party or has a substantial interest. The staff also assists the Justice Department in litigation in which the OIG participates as part of the prosecution team. The OIG legal staff is not a component of the NASA General Counsel’s Office.
Francis P. LaRocca, Jr.
Counsel to the Inspector General
Headquarters, Washington DC 20546-0001
Terri Thompson
Deputy Counsel to the Inspector General
Headquarters, Washington DC 20546-0001
Sashka I. Mannion
Regional Counsel (Eastern)
Whistleblower Protection Coordinator
Headquarters, Washington DC 20546-0001
Shani Dennis
Regional Counsel (Central)
Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX 77058-3696
Adhana Davis
Regional Counsel (Western)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California 91109-8099
The Office of Data Analytics Program (ODA) is responsible to the Inspector General for developing, coordinating, conducting, and overseeing data analytic research of NASA’s programs and operations. Specifically, the work of ODA supports audit and investigative activities in the detection and deterrence of fraud, waste, and abuse by delivering high quality predicative data analytics, statistical sampling, data modeling, data mining, data visualizations, big data analysis, and other advanced statistical and information technology efforts. ODA is comprised of mathematical statisticians, statisticians, information technology experts, auditors, and special agents.
NASA OIG – Office of Data Analytics (ODA)
Washington, DC 20546-001
Voice: 202-374-7797