Communicating with the OIG
CYBERHOTLINE | Contractor Disclosure
NASA OIG CYBERHOTLINE 1-800-424-9183 Or Write: NASA Office of Inspector General P.O. Box 23089 L’Enfant Plaza Station Washington, D.C. 20026 | ![]() Save and Print Poster (PDF) |
Pursuant to NASA policy, any NASA employee who observes crime, fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement or receives an allegation of crime, fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement from a Federal employee, contractor, grantee, contractor or grantee employee, or any other source will report such observation or allegation to the OIG. NASA contractor employees and other individuals are also encouraged to report crime, fraud, waste, and mismanagement in NASA’s programs to the OIG. The OIG offers several ways to report a complaint:
TDD: 1-800-535-8134
NASA OIG Headquarters
Office of Investigations fax number: 202-358-3914
Or by mail:
NASA Office of Inspector General
P.O. Box 23089
L’Enfant Plaza Station
Washington, DC 20026
The Inspector General Act protects Government employees from retaliation by their employers for providing information to the OIG. Other federal laws and regulations protect contractor employees from reprisal for making disclosures to the OIG concerning NASA contracts.